From Widow to Warrior Interview with Karolyn Carrasco and Bodhi Simpson: Creative Connections
Click here to watch this interview From Widow to Warrior: Transforming Pain into Purpose, Passion & Power with Karolyn Carrasco and Bodhi...

Living from Your Center
Why do we do so much for those we love and so often neglect our own feelings and needs? We are often living our lives based on past...

The Power of Visual Journaling
Words cannot describe all of our experiences. Visual journaling involves expressing thoughts, feelings, or emotions as a color, shape, or im

Art is the Language of the Heart
Learn how to connect with the tiny whisper in your heart through creative expression.

Why is Creating Art a Healing Process and When Can You Start?
This guest blog post was originally posted in the Creative Health Blog for the Bangor Daily News. It seems that stress and anxiety are...
Why Daily Practice is Important
“Submit to a daily practice. Your loyalty to that is a ring at the door. Keep knocking, and the joy inside will eventually open a window...