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Art is a Path to Meaning and Purpose

“When the soul wants to experience something she throws out an image in front of her and then steps into it”.

-Meister Eckhart

“It is the truth that art gives us, and it arises from being aware. Awareness brings us to consciousness, and consciousness changes us”.

-Sean Kernan

“If you have found your truth within yourself there is nothing more in this whole existence to find”.


Today many of us are feeling “lost”. We feel disconnected from ourselves, from how we feel, from others and the world around us. We feel blocked, stuck, and do not know what path to take or what tools we can try to help us move forward. We are disconnected from our values, from what we believe in, disconnected from what excites us and brings us happiness and joy.

By taking the time to slow down and create art we are able to release tension, move blocked energy, and bring ourselves into the intuitive flow state where we are able to be open our hearts and fully experience the present moment. We are able to develop mental clarity and self-compassion. We give ourselves time to become conscious of what we are feeling. Feelings are information that help us to move forward and make choices in our life. If we don’t give ourselves time each day to become aware of our feelings we can become blocked and confused.

Creating art helps to give us a path to meaning in our lives. Art can be used as a personal practice and a path by taking time to receive and give form to new images. Our art becomes a vessel for new wisdom from deep within ourselves to become visible. The art we create is also a vehicle that allows us to transcend linear time into possibilities that haven’t yet been realized. Our art helps us to get out of our heads where we are over-analyzing our situations and helps us to connect to the truth in our hearts.

Working with our art leads us to new places within ourselves, with relationships to others, to our community, and to our planet. We can learn to trust our artwork as a sacred spiritual practice that gives us outward signs of our inner spiritual journeys.

Tips to begin your journey:

  • Find a quiet safe space

  • Create an intention to open up and immerse yourself in the creative process

  • Be curious!

  • Smile while creating

  • Breathe deeply

  • Let the creativity work through you

  • Realize this practice is meditation in action!

  • Bring concentration to the mystery of the art taking form

  • Realize that being creative helps align your thoughts and actions with your truth and that this is a healthy and healing state

  • What we create in our art can become what we do in life if we choose

  • If you love this practice keep it! If you don’t throw it out and try other ways of being creative or use other materials to create with until you find the right fit for you

  • It’s most important that you find a daily practice that feels comfortable to you

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